Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Freshman Database Storyboard

For this project, we had to create a storyboard for a future movie illustrating an aspect of the campus life of Peoria Notre Dame students. My group chose to work on Mrs. Zoz's Introduction to Literature Honors class because each person in the group has taken the class at least once before, so it was easier for us to come up with information and advice for the incoming freshmen. We were easily able to come up with helpful things to know and why a certain freshman should or should not take this class. This project taught me what a storyboard is and what it should do. Before, I had heard of a storyboard, but I had no idea what i twas supposed to do. Now I know how to present an outline for future presentations.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPhoto Name Project

Before this name project, I had used iPhoto before; but I had never used it to edit pictures or put together a slideshow. Personally, I loved this project. I loved the challenge of trying to find things in my everyday life that looked like letters in my name. But, although I loved this project, I would have changed one thing about it. I would have changed the minimum amount of letters from ten to four. Most people seem to have four letters or more in their first name, so four being the minimum would have been much easier for those people.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Charity Mail Merge

The charity-company mail merge project was a good way to expose us to charities other then the famous charities like St. Jude. I never knew about the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation until I searched for a charity that had something to do with someone close to me. It was also a good way to expose us to the shortcuts that are available on Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. However, I did not completely understand how to use mail merge. If I could change anything about the project, I would have spent more time explaining how to use the mail merge function. Once I figured out how to use it, mail merge did save a lot of time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

M&Ms Excel Project

I thought that the project combining M&Ms and excel was a good way to start off the trimester. I thought that the usage of Excel was good because many students probably do not use Excel very often. Using it in a project that combined it with fun was a good way to get students involved and familiar with the program. There is not really anything that I would have done differently with this project. I liked that we used M&Ms because almost everyone likes them. I disliked, however, the way that we counted the M&Ms. Overall, though, I think this was a good project to start off the class.