Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Life

Our final assignment in Intermediate Tech. Apps was to create a project about our lives. This project combined everything we learned in the class into one finished movie. We used PowerPoint/Keynote, Garageband, Word, and iMovie to create our final project. I thought this was a good final assignment because it allowed us to explore the different effects and functions of all of the applications that we used during our time in this class. The use of music, pictures, and slides all compined to make a great assignment. If I were to change anything about this final project, I think I would’ve shortened the amount of slides we had to have.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Music Genome

This project included the use of Microsoft PowerPoint, Garage band, and iMovie. We had to mash up 7 songs and the information about their genre all into one presentation and put it into iMovie. My genre was 80’s Pop . I chose this genre because I listen to a lot of 80’s music, so I know the songs and what characteristics set 80’s pop apart from other pop eras. This project was helpful in giving us the experience of using three different applications for one project. If I could change one thing about the music genre project, I would have made the required number of songs 5 instead of 7.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Zamzar Conversions

I heard that some people were having problems with converting files on at school, at home, or both. There was one file that I had a problem with while I was converting at home. There were two or three others that had a five to ten minute delay. After a couple minutes of waiting for the email I tried converting the same song again and I got the email within the average waiting period. I had no problems with either of the videos that I converted. For me, really had no problems with the songs that I was converting.

Monday, January 24, 2011

iMovie Freshman Database

Our assignment for the past two weeks was to create an movie using IMovie based on the storyboard that our groups created for the previous assignment. My group chose the Honors Introduction to Literature taught by Mrs. Zoz because all four of our members are taking it or have taken it. This project was a great way to expose us to the iMovie application. It taught us how to put video and stills into one movie. It also taught us how to enter music, picture-in-picture, and transitions. It also taught us how to lengthen and shorten clips and stills. I do not think I would change anything about this project. I think that the directions and requirements were completely reasonable. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tangled Podcast Summary

This week's assignment was to do a podcast about a movie. I chose Tangled, which was Disney's version of Rapunzel. Last year I did a podcast for History, so I have had a little experience with creating podcasts. This was the first time I had used Garage Band though. I thought that Garage Band was somewhat difficult to use. I did understand the basics eventually though. This project taught me how to use Garage Band and create a podcast on it. It also gave me more exposure with MLA format Works Cited. If I could change something about this project I would only require one jingle.